First ever.
When I started out in photography, I wasn't sure what my passion really was. I knew I needed to be around children and families. I knew that photographing the innocence of children was absolutely the best ever, and my passion for child photography grew. This is what I needed to be doing.
Then I saw birth photography. Wow. Just absolute wow. I was hooked from my first image. Was this really a thing? Oh.My.Gosh. An even greater passion was born.
A friend of over 10 years, Michelle, was expecting her 4th and 5th child. Twins due around Christmas time. We talked a bit more about birth photography and I was absolutely honored that she was comfortable with me coming to photograph her c-section.
This mama is one of the most amazing, strong, and caring people that I know. Literally every day she amazes me.
Thank you for letting you beautiful twin girls be the first birth I attended (other than my own children ;) ).
#birthphotography #firstever #twingirls #photography #winnipegphotographer #winnipeg
And then there
was 3...
This was my first time setting foot into the new birth center here in Winnipeg. What a beautiful space! The rooms are large and gorgeous. The tub is amazing.
I was anxiously awaiting this phone call. This was my first 'on call' birth as the previous one was a planned c-section. I had my camera charged and ready by the door. I had my babysitters lined up for the kids. I had snacks for myself in case it was a long night and my pregnancy cravings got the best of me (I was 6 months pregnant at the time). Car was gassed up. Phone was charged. I slept with it on the loudest ring, just in case.
I got the text. Labour was starting. Butterflies in my stomach turned around and around. It was time to leave. I left the apartment, excited and nervous. I got to the birth center and was let in by one of the midwives. I met Crystal in her room. We walked the halls. She welcomed the contractions in the tub. Her baby boy was born at 7:28am into loving arms. Big sisters were in love.
How blessed am I that I get to be present to capture this beautiful miracle. <3